
The Conservative Party’s stand on what is unfolding in the Holy Land defaces the party’s history for generations to come

I am a Christian Palestinian Arab whose family lived for centuries in Nazareth and was forced to leave Palestine in 1948, and I have been denied since then the right to return to my ancestral homeland because of my religious and ethnocultural category.

Why does the Conservative Party of Canada (CPC) undermine our Canadian Charter – which guarantees equal rights and fundamental freedoms for all Canadians regardless of their racial, religious or ethnic background – by unconditionally supporting Jewish supremacy in the Holy Land?

Why does the CPC continue to whitewash the war crimes committed by apartheid Israel, a state on trial since January 26, 2024 for ‘plausible’ genocide by the International Court of Justice?

Why did the CPC shamefully vote on March 24 against a motion passed by Parliament denying Canadian weapons to apartheid Israel’s ongoing genocide against 2.3 million Indigenous Palestinian Semites in the Occupied Gaza Strip – 80% of whom are refugees from 1948 and their descendants whom Israel has denied the right to return to their stolen properties?

Why is the CPC now demonizing the International Criminal Court for issuing arrest warrants on May 20 against Israel’s leaders who have so far slaughtered 36,000 Palestinians, including 15,000 children, and are starving 2.3 million Palestinians?

CPC’s opposition to the implementation of international law by the highest courts in the world, and its support for apartheid Israel’s ongoing genocide in the Holy Land, will blemish and deface the history of your party for generations to come.

By Khaled Mouammar

Khaled Mouammar is a Christian Palestinian Canadian who was forced to flee his hometown Nazareth in 1948. He is one of the founders of the Canadian Arab Federation and a former member of the Immigration and Refugee Board of Canada. He received the Queen’s Silver Jubilee Award from the Governor General of Canada in 1977.

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